youtube video title

How To Write Video Titles That Get Views

Don’t Write YouTube Video Titles, Until You Do THESE!

YouTube video title is often the first thing that a potential viewer will see when it comes to deciding what YouTube video to watch, so they are extremely important. A bad title that does not inspire will not catch anyone’s attention. I will show you how to write YouTube titles that get views and what YouTube video titles best practices are.

A good starting point is to concentrate on improving the viewing experience and holding the viewers interested. The audiences don’t want meaningless content to be shocked. You want a productive experience, so be sure to select the relevant keywords and titles for your videos.

If you keep YouTube’s goals in mind and optimize them accordingly, they’re going to reward you by moving your video up in search results!

How to get more visibility on YouTube:

1. Keyword Research For YouTube Video Titles

There are a lot of free tools that you can use to help you with your keywords research. You can use Google’s Autocomplete feature and Google Ads (previously Adwords) to find a lot of targeted keywords for your title. Always aim for good search volume and low competition keywords. You can use the best video optimization tools like TubeBuddy and VidIQ that will help you know the competition score and what are the best keywords you can use for your title and your tags as well.  If your YouTube video is not coming up in search results then you have to revise your keywords. Learn more about YouTube SEO.

2. Placing Your Main Keyword In The Title

If you want your video content to be found on YouTube and on Google, then place your main relevant keyword in the very beginning of your video’s title. Suppose you want to use your brand name in the title, then the best way to do this is to place it at the end of the title separated by a dash so people can find your video either by using your main keyword or by your brand name. Using numbers in your YouTube video title help to increase your click through rates for example 5 tips or 4 ways to.

3. Video Research

If you can’t come up with a good title, then search for similar YouTube videos and check how they are performing. Most probably you will find videos that are having thousands of views while others are having low view count. Can you figure out any common pattern in their titles? You will get a good idea of how to write a good title for your video. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and think what they should expect by watching your video and why they should watch it. A good video title should be related to your content.

4. Clickbait Titles?

I see a lot of video titles that are not searchable or don’t provide a descriptive summary of what the video is about. How many times you were disappointed by clicking on videos that are irrelevant?
YouTube algorithm penalize videos that are watched for few seconds so don’t try to get more views by doing clickbait titles that will hurt your channel in the short and long term. Alternatively, you can create titles that build anticipation by taking advantage that people always want to know more about interesting topics. Create good quality and engaging videos and don’t worry if people are going to drop off or not.

5. Use Custom Thumbnail Image

The thumbnail is the first thing that grabs the attention of viewers. Be sure to create a captivating thumbnail that matches your good title. Always give your audience reasons to click on your video by using an attractive thumbnail, good title, detailed description and the proper tags.

6. Some Video Title ideas

Our aim should be focused on creating awesome titles that are engaging and provoke more interest. Here are some YouTube video title examples you can start with:

–  The secret of happiness

– The Best Ever Soup Recipe

–  Starting YouTube Do’s and Don’ts

–  3 Easy Ways To Make Slime

–  The Top Ten Mistakes You May Be Making While Traveling Abroad

Remember if your video doesn’t deliver the value expected, then the best YouTube video title out there will do nothing.

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