marketing videos

Video Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Revenues – Part 2

Create Successful Marketing Videos

This is the second part of the secrets of video marketing. I’ll share with you some of the best tips to help you create successful marketing videos that will boost your revenues. Check the ultimate video marketing guide part one here.

In today’s  movies, you will find that from the first moment there is action; something that grab your attention and makes you want to stay tuned to find out what’s happening, why it is happening and what is going to happen next.

As another example, teachers often tell their students to trim the first page or two when it comes to writing fiction, because they’re usually full of long, boring intro stuff to set up the first scene. But when you scrap that off and start with the action, BOOM – the reader is engaged.

Creating engaging videos are the same way. Start with the good introduction and let it advance from there.

3: Don’t Be Overly Serious.

You don’t have to sound like a stuffy, boring college instructor, although your video might be to educate and inform. Add some sense of humor and fun in your videos. This does not mean injecting jokes that do have nothing to do with the topic you are talking about. Find humor instead. You just need to look for humor in what you teach or talk about. It’s always there.

To clarify, if you are like most people, you get nervous when you get infront of the camera. If you practice with a friend, you will find some funny stuff that comes to mind. Try it and listen to your friend’s suggestions. They’re going to tell you which parts to trim. You should keep thinking of the camera as your friend to create irresistible marketing videos. You are having a nice chat, whether you are using your phone or using slides. Now, you have the chance to talk. Have fun. When you have fun, the audience would possibly also have fun as well.

4: Don’t Seek Perfection And Be Human

Nobody’s Perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. No one prefers someone who is perfect, or even someone who comes across as perfect. That’s why it’s normal to make mistakes on camera. If you do something wrong or you are nervous, just acknowledge it and move on. For example, if you are showing something to your audience and suddenly it drops. Make a joke out of it and laugh, pick it up or whatever, and move on.

Be yourself as it will be funny when you admit to your audiences that you are human and you can laugh at your fails. The audience will begin to like you more. You can make a funny mistake on purpose so you can get the audience on your side. A lot of people are doing this.

In short, when done right, it’s a truly effective technique. Once again, it’s a powerful teaching method, and everyone loves somebody who can laugh at themselves. If you look at comedians, they are continually telling audiences about silly stuff they have done. And people love them for it.

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